Your code is treating a control reference as if it were a name (string variable), so you get the Type name ( rather than the name of the control. Since the template DGV happarently has the name, use it:
Dim myGridName As String ' name is a String, not DGV
Dim myGridItemIndex As Integer
Dim myDGV As DataGridView ' no NEW - not creating a new one
' just a reference var
' this is now a For/Each loop
For Each row As DataGridViewRow in DsSaveTemplates.tblTemplates.Rows
myGridName = row.Cell("GridName")
myGridItemIndex = row.Cell("GridItemIndex")
' assuming this code is in a Form:
' get a reference to the control
myDGV = CType(Me.Controls(myGridName), DataGridView)
' talk to it like a DGV:
myDGV.Item(0, myGridItemIndex).Value = True
Note: Option Strict would likely require some conversions for the name and index
If the DGV(s) reside in container controls like Panels or Tabs, you have to "find" the control because they will be in that control's collection, not the Form's. Instead of myDGV = CType(Me.Controls(myGridName), DataGridView)
' have the form search for the ctl by name
' the TRUE param tells it to search child controls like panels
Dim tmpArry = Me.Controls.Find(myGridName, True)
' test for a return
If tmpArry.Length > 0 Then
' tmpArry will be Type Control, so cast it
myDGV = CType(tmpArry(0), DataGridView)
End If
This is usually better from the start so you do not have to remember how the form is laid out when coding.