Your code is technically correct. If you looked at the headers of that blank page, you'd see a 404 header, and other computers/programs would be able to correctly identify the response as file not found.
Of course, your users are still SOL. Normally, 404s are handled by the web server.
- User: Hey, do you have anything for me at this URI webserver?
- Webserver: No, I don't, 404! Here's a page to display for 404s.
The problem is, once the web server starts processing the PHP page, it's already passed the point where it would handle a 404
- User: Hey, do you have anything for me at this URI webserver?
- Webserver: Yes, I do, it's a PHP page. It'll tell you what the response code is
- PHP: Hey, OMG 404!!!!!!!
- Webserver: Well crap, the 404 page people have already gone home, so I'll just send along whatever PHP gave me
In addition to providing a 404 header, PHP is now responsible for outputting the actual 404 page.