I'm trying to create an uptime command for the bot e.g "the bot has been online for 10 hours 15 minutes 10 seconds"
It works the way as indented up until it hits 12am, I think it might be to do with the calculation but I'm unsure on why it would add -1day when its formatted in hours minutes seconds.
This is what I have at the moment. Any help would be appreciated :)
from datetime import datetime
import os
import time
folder = r"C:UsersRyan MclaughlinPycharmProjectsSnappingbot-V2SnappingbotV2ext files"
filename = "uptime.txt"
fp = os.path.join(folder, filename)
with open(fp, "w") as f:
f.writelines(datetime.now().time().strftime('%H:%M:%S')) # on startup of bot write the time in a file
file = open(fp)
startup_time = (file.readline()) # reads the startup time
time_now = datetime.now().time().strftime('%H:%M:%S') # finds time now
FMT = '%H:%M:%S'
tdelta = datetime.strptime(time_now, FMT) - datetime.strptime(startup_time,FMT) # calculates the difference between the startup time and now