I have a simple application that allows you to view a list of music genres and then add/edit/remove music from a genre. My issue is that when I try to edit a track, I am given an error that no value has been passed to show the genres ID or artists ID.
When I enter breakpoints, I get an genre ID of 1 all the way up until I click the edit track button and then the value being passed into the controller that updates the music becomes NULL so I keep getting the error - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
The error is appearing on the Music Controller at;
Genre genre = genreService.GetGenre(music);
musicGenreArtist.Genre = genre.ID;`
When I create breakpoints on genreService.GetGenre(music) to see the ID of genre, it states 1 but after trying to edit it becomes null again.
Can someone explain why the ID value doesn't pass through to the update form?
Genre model class:
public class Genre
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Music> Musics { get; set; }
Music Service class:
public void UpdateMusic(MusicGenreArtist musicGenreArtist, int musicID, string userID)
using (var context = new ForestContext())
Music _music = musicDAO.GetMusic(musicID, context);
Genre _genre = genreDAO.GetGenre(_music, context);
Artist _artist = artistDAO.GetArtist(_music, context);
_music.Title = musicGenreArtist.Title;
_music.num_track = musicGenreArtist.num_track;
_music.duration = musicGenreArtist.duration;
_music.DateReleased = musicGenreArtist.DateReleased;
_music.Price = musicGenreArtist.Price;
_music.Image = musicGenreArtist.Image;
musicDAO.UpdateMusic(_music, context);
Music musicToBeRemoved = musicDAO.GetMusic(musicID, context);
if (musicGenreArtist.Genre != _genre.ID)
genreDAO.RemoveMusicFromCollection(musicToBeRemoved, _genre, context);
Genre newGenre = genreDAO.GetGenre(musicGenreArtist.Genre, context);
genreDAO.AddMusicToCollection(_music, newGenre, context);
if (musicGenreArtist.Artist != _artist.ID)
artistDAO.RemoveMusicFromCollection(musicToBeRemoved, _artist, context);
Artist newArtist = artistDAO.GetArtist(musicGenreArtist.Artist, context);
artistDAO.AddMusicToCollection(_music, newArtist, context);
GetGenre(music) action:
public Genre GetGenre(Music music, ForestContext context)
IList<Genre> genres = GetGenres(context);
for (int i = 0; i < genres.Count; i++)
if (genres[i].Musics.Contains<Music>(music))
return genres[i];
return null;
Genre Service class:
public Genre GetGenre(Music music)
using (var context = new ForestContext())
return genreDAO.GetGenre(music, context);
Controller that updates music:
public ActionResult UpdateMusic(int musicID)
MusicGenreArtist musicGenreArtist = new MusicGenreArtist();
Music music = musicService.GetMusic(musicID);
musicGenreArtist.Title = music.Title;
musicGenreArtist.num_track = music.num_track;
musicGenreArtist.duration = music.duration;
musicGenreArtist.DateReleased = music.DateReleased;
musicGenreArtist.Price = music.Price;
musicGenreArtist.Image = music.Image;
Genre genre = genreService.GetGenre(music);
musicGenreArtist.Genre = genre.ID;
Artist artist = artistService.GetArtist(music);
musicGenreArtist.Artist = artist.ID;
Helper helper = new Helper();
ViewBag.genreList = helper.GetGenreDropDown();
ViewBag.artistList = helper.GetArtistDropDown();
return View(musicGenreArtist);
DAO for music:
public void UpdateMusic(Music music, ForestContext context)
Music productToUpdate = GetMusic(music.ID, context);
HTML action to get to edit page:
@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "UpdateMusic", new { musicID=item.ID, Controller = "AddMusic" })
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