it might help if you unpivot the prorate monthly amounts in power query first (since narrow tables better than wide tables)
client Start Date End Date PendingMarket$ PendingShare Month Value
Client 1 3/1/2021 3/1/2021 $10,618 3.0% jan 0
Client 1 3/1/2021 3/1/2021 $10,618 3.0% feb 0
Client 1 3/1/2021 3/1/2021 $10,618 3.0% mar 319
then the dax formulae is easy
for a calculated column on the table:
Pending Station $ (Prorated) = CALCULATE(SUM(MyTableName[Value]), [Strat Date] = Earlier([Start Date], [End Date] = Earlier[End Date], [Client] = Earlier[Client])
PN earlier get the value of current row for column value