I try to generate a deep link to a subEntityId in a Microsoft Teams group tab. When I call
microsoftTeams.shareDeepLink({ subEntityId: "myid", subEntityLabel: "123" } );
I get this dialog (my tab is called 'Interactive':
As you can see, there is no URL in the text field but the label, which was appended with the tab's name. I don't see out https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/deep-links on how to use shareDeepLink and I don't see how else I could use it to generate a URL. Can anyone help?
It turns out that the deep link generation works fine, but the texbox contains a rich text link instead of the actual URL. So copying it into a rich text block will work, but not inside into the browser's URL field.
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