I'm having trouble getting writing the getter method of my hash class based on what I have in the setter class.
The error I'm getting is: error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
setItem = (key, value, value2) => { const idx = HashStringToInt(key, this.table.length); if (this.table[idx]) { this.table.push([key,[value, value2]]); } else { this.table[idx] = [[key, [value, value2]]] } } getItem = key => { const idx = HashStringToInt(key, this.table.length); if (!this.table[idx]) { return null; } return this.table[idx].find(x => x[0] === key)[1]; //this doesn't work }
this.table.push([key,[value, value2]]);
this.table[idx].push([key,[value, value2]]);
Seems to give me the desired results
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