Disclaimer: I'm not completely certain that this will work, but this case demands some testing on your part. ;o) Please report back if it indeed does work.
As Nico Haase correctly pointed out, your env vars are resolved at cache/compile-time. However, this is a poster case for APP_ENV
(which is usually dev
on dev systems and prod
on production), you could add/use prod_ldap
and prod_saml
instead of just prod
, which absolutely can have implications on your application. (switching a user from one to the other will not work without some hassle or at least re-login) - see https://symfony.com/doc/4.1/configuration/environments.html for some more information about adding more environments. The documentation is for symfony 4.1 so please don't blindly follow the examples. Stuff has changed, but the general idea should still be viable.
For that to work, you would have to adapt config/bundles.php, and possibly src/Kernel.php and maybe even more things, and you probably have to copy some of the env-specific configs ...
Since all caching and container-building is done depending on APP_ENV and the results are written to a APP_ENV-specific cache location, the containers as well as the caches and sessions would reside in different locations - you'd have the same code base and the same project directory but different cache and config dirs. Unless your application is extremely sophisticated and sensitive to this, this should work.
Please note, that depending on how you're changing your APP_ENV, this might absolutely not work. If it's set by the webserver, I'm confident it should.
Please also note, that to put your system live, you will have to do both bin/console cache:clear --env=prod_saml
as well as bin/console cache:clear --env=prod_ldap
, composer will run the one in .env(.local) automatically - if you even run composer - but you only can have one at the time. You could extend the composer.json to run both cache:clear commands as a post-something script.