You can manage Azure NSG configuration via ARM template, Teffaform and Ansible.
1,You can check out below examples to create ARM Template to manage Azure NSG.
Create a Network Security Group.
How to create NSGs using a template
Please check the official document for more examples.
2, After the ARM template is created and pushed to your git repo. You can create azure pipeline to automate the deployment. See tutorial here.
3, Then you need to create an azure Resource Manager service connection to connect your Azure subscription to Azure devops. See this thread for an example.
4, In your azure devops pipeline. You can use ARM template deployment task to deploy the ARM template.
- task: AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment@3
displayName: 'ARM Template deployment: Resource Group scope'
azureResourceManagerConnection: 'azure Resource Manager service connection'
subscriptionId: '...'
resourceGroupName: '...'
location: 'East US'
csmFile: azuredeploy.json
csmParametersFile: azuredeploy.parameters.json
1, Create Teffaform configuration file. See example here.
Check out terraform-azurerm-network-security-group module for more information.
2, Upload Teffaform configuration file to git repo. Create Azure devops pipeline
3, Create azure Resource Manager service connection like above using ARM template.
4, Use Terraform task in the azure devops pipeline.
- task: ms-devlabs.custom-terraform-tasks.custom-terraform-installer-task.TerraformInstaller@0
displayName: 'Install Terraform 0.12.3'
- task: ms-devlabs.custom-terraform-tasks.custom-terraform-release-task.TerraformTaskV1@0
displayName: 'Terraform : azurerm'
command: apply
environmentServiceNameAzureRM: 'azure Resource Manager service connection'
1, Create Ansible playbook with plugin azure.azcollection.azure_rm_securitygroup
Please check out the example here.
2,Upload ansible playbook to git repo. Create Azure devops pipeline. Use Ansible task in your pipeline.
Please check out this detailed tutorial for more information about how to run ansible playbook in azure devops pipeline.
- Azure powershell/Azure CLI commands
You can using azure powershell or azure cli commands to manage azure nsg. And run the commands in Azure powershell task or azure cli task in azure devops pipeline.
Please check out this document for more information.