I have a table which is queried for a grid view using labels as filters.
id, col_a
id, name, type
id, label_id, project_id
The problem I have is that I want to get all project records with the labels the user is using but for some labels an OR needs to be done,
Here is a working example of what the query needs to do:
FROM project p
JOIN label_project lp1 ON lp1.label_id=306
JOIN label_project lp2 ON lp2.label_id=135
JOIN label_project lp3 ON lp3.label_id=285
JOIN label_project lp4 ON lp4.label_id=173
WHERE ( lp1.project_id=p.id
OR lp2.project_id=p.id
) -- labels of lp1 and lp2 have the same type
AND lp3.project_id=p.id
AND lp4.project_id=p.id;
-- labels of (lp1, lp2), lp3 and lp4 have different types
Lets say there are 6 label "types" and for labels of the same type an OR needs to be done between them(see first where clause in query) for the rest use AND (see rest of where clause)
The problem with the example query is that it is extremely show in QueryDSL ~10 seconds for a single query. I read this is mainly because the query uses distinct.
Would anyone know a way to write this query in QueryDSL with better performance? Or in SQL for that matter
Query before label filtering is added:
* Returns a predicate that filters out results of restricted projects where the employee has no rights for
* @param employee The logged in employee
* @return The predicate
public static Predicate restrictedProjectWhereClause(Employee employee) {
return PROJECT.restricted.isFalse()
private static JPQLQuery<Integer> hasRestrictedRoleAccess(Employee employee) {
return JPAExpressions.selectFrom(USER_SECURITY_ROLE)
How I add the label filtering to the query in QueryDSL:
// First add necessary joins
for (int i = 0; i < labels.size(); i++) {
QLabelProject lp = new QLabelProject(String.format("lp%d", i));
labelMap.computeIfAbsent(labels.get(i).getSystemLabelType(), k -> new HashMap<>());
labelMap.get(labels.get(i).getSystemLabelType()).put(labels.get(i), lp);
query = query.join(lp)
// Decide where clause
BooleanExpression expression = null;
for (Map.Entry<ESystemLabelType, Map<Label, QLabelProject>> entry : labelMap.entrySet()) {
BooleanExpression subExpression = null;
for (Map.Entry<Label, QLabelProject> lp : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey() == null) {
subExpression = subExpression == null ? lp.getValue().label.id.eq(lp.getKey().getId()) :
} else {
subExpression = subExpression == null ? lp.getValue().label.id.eq(lp.getKey().getId()) :
expression = expression == null ? (BooleanExpression)new BooleanBuilder().and(subExpression).getValue() :