TL;DR: Is it possible to use Gatsby's rendered tracedSVG from childImageSharp as the actual picture on your website?
Long version:
So, I was working on a small website for my recital with Gatsby earlier today and while I was hosting it on my machine the pictures load just fine, but when I deployed the project to Github Pages, the image files failed to load, only the tracedSVG placeholders loaded.
Now I am sure there is a solution for this; I haven't yet looked into that. The thing is, I kinda like how those artsy tracedSVGs look on my website, and I want to keep them. I can of course, just leave it as is, but if there is a proper and more elegant way of doing this, I'd love to know.
I tried
instead of
in the js file and the images and the placeholders failed to load.