You can do a loop-like query in SQL with the recursive CTE, replacing new token on each iteration, so this will let you to replace all the tokens.
The only way I know to execute a dynamic query inside SQL statement in Oracle is DBMS_XMLGEN
package, so you can evaluate the expression and filter by the result value without PL/SQL. But all this is viable for low cardinality tables with patterns and options.
with a as (
select 1 as id, '{([option1]+[option2])*([option3]+[option4])}' as pattern from dual union all
select 2 as id, '{([option1]+[option2])*([option3]+[option4])*([option6]+[option7])}' as pattern from dual union all
select 3 as id, '{[option1]+[option6]}' as pattern from dual union all
select 4 as id, '{([option1]+[option2])*([option8]+[option9])}' as pattern from dual union all
select 5 as id, '{([option1]+[option2])*[option4]}' as pattern from dual union all
select 6 as id, '{[option10]}]' as pattern from dual
, opt as (
select 'option1' as opt, 3653265 as val from dual union all
select 'option2' as opt, 26452 as val from dual union all
select 'option3' as opt, 73552 as val from dual union all
select 'option3' as opt, 100 as val from dual union all
select 'option4' as opt, 1235 as val from dual union all
select 'option5' as opt, 42565 as val from dual union all
select 'option6' as opt, 2330 as val from dual union all
select 'option7' as opt, 544 as val from dual union all
select 'option9' as opt, 2150 as val from dual
, opt_ordered as (
/*Order options to iterate over*/
select opt.*, row_number() over(order by 1) as rn
from opt
, rec (id, pattern, repl_pattern, lvl) as (
pattern as repl_pattern,
0 as lvl
from a
union all
/*Replace each part at new step*/
replace(r.repl_pattern, '[' || o.opt || ']', o.val),
r.lvl + 1
from rec r
join opt_ordered o
on r.lvl + 1 = o.rn
, out_prepared as (
when instr(repl_pattern, '[') = 0
/*When there's no more not parsed expressions, then we can try to evaluate them*/
then dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype(
'select ' || replace(replace(repl_pattern, '{', ''), '}', '')
|| ' as v from dual'
/*Otherwise SQL statement will fail*/
end as parsed_expr
from rec
/*Retrieve the last step*/
where lvl = (select max(rn) from opt_ordered)
extractvalue(parsed_expr, '/ROWSET/ROW/V') as calculated_value
from out_prepared o
where extractvalue(parsed_expr, '/ROWSET/ROW/V') > 0
-: | :------------------------------------------------------------------ | :---------------------------------------- | :---------------
1 | {([option1]+[option2])*([option3]+[option4])} | {(3653265+26452)*(73552+1235)} | 275194995279
2 | {([option1]+[option2])*([option3]+[option4])*([option6]+[option7])} | {(3653265+26452)*(73552+1235)*(2330+544)} | 790910416431846
3 | {[option1]+[option6]} | {3653265+2330} | 3655595
5 | {([option1]+[option2])*[option4]} | {(3653265+26452)*1235} | 4544450495