i'm looking for a DDD purist solution.
Basic idea first: if our Comments logic needs information from our Post aggregate, then what we normally do is pass a copy of that information as an argument.
So our application code would, in this case, get a local copy of AllowComments, presumably by retrieving the handle to the Post aggregate root and invoking some query in its interface.
Within the comments aggregate, you would then be able to use that information as necessary (for instance, as an argument to some branching logic)
Race conditions are hard.
A microsecond difference in timing shouldn’t make a difference to core business behaviors. -- Udi Dahan
If data here must be consistent with data there, then the answer is that we have to lock both when we are making our change.
In an application where information is stored locally, that's pretty straight forward, at least on paper: you just need to acquire locks on both objects at the same time, so that the data doesn't change out from under you. There's a bit of care required to ensure that you get deadlocked (aka the dining philosophers problem).
In a distributed system, this can get really nasty.
The usual answers in "modern purist DDD" is that you either relax the consistency requirement (the lock that you are reading is allowed to change while you are working) and you mitigate the inconsistencies elsewhere (see Memories, Guesses, and Apologies by Pat Helland) OR you change your aggregate design so that all of the information is enclosed within the same aggregate (here, that would mean making the comment entities parts of the post aggregate).
Also: creation patterns are weird; you expect that the entity you are intending to create doesn't yet exist in the repository (but off the happy path maybe it does), so that business logic doesn't fit as smoothly into the usual "get the handle from the repository" pattern.
So the conditional logic needs to sneak somewhere else -- maybe into the Post aggregate? maybe you just leave it in the application code? ultimately, somebody is going to have to tell the application code if anything is being saved in the repository.
As far as I can tell, there isn't a broad consensus on how to handle conditional create logic in DDD, just lots of different compromises that might be "good enough" in their local context.