No, you can retrieve this information only using documentation you provided. You should:
- Download the chart with
$ helm pull repo/name --untar
(skip this if you already have it)
- Go inside the chart directory
- Invoke command:
$ helm dependency list my-chart
Alternatively you can inspect requirements.yaml for helm2 or Chart.yaml for helm3, but you will find there only transitive dependencies :
All applications, maybe with the exception of the most trivial,
usually depend on other runtime components, such as web servers,
caches, databases, etc. Helm supports modularization via a dependency
mechanism, which allows to formally specify, manage and deploy
dependencies as part of a Helm release. A Helm chart may declare
dependencies, which are other Helm charts published in external
repositories, conveniently packaged by people who presumably know the
respective components well. The simples possible example is a chart A
-- the dependent - that declared its reliance on a chart B - the dependency - by specifying chart B's “coordinates” (name, version and
repository URL) as part of its own metadata. The exact way in which
the dependencies are declared has evolved across Helm releases. For
Helm 2 charts, the dependencies are declared in a dedicated
requirements.yaml file, while for Helm 3 chart, the dependencies are
declared as part of the chart manifest Chart.yaml. However, the way
the dependencies are processed during installation has remained the
Good article: Helm Dependencies