I'm trying to create a query in AWS Athena to get the DAU, WAU and MAU (Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Active Users) values.
I was able to create the dau query
date(from_unixtime(time / 1000)) as date,
count(distinct id) as dau
from events
where name = 'Started'
and from_unixtime(time / 1000) > date_parse('2020-12-01', '%Y-%m-%d')
group by date(from_unixtime(time / 1000))
However, when I try to use this query as in this example (https://discuss.redash.io/t/dau-wau-mau-query-example/1704) using a with statement to generate the MAU, it's not working
with dau as (
date(from_unixtime(time / 1000)) as date,
count(distinct id) as dau
from events
where name = 'Started'
and from_unixtime(time / 1000) > date_parse('2020-12-01', '%Y-%m-%d')
group by date(from_unixtime(time / 1000))
count(distinct id)
from events
where name = 'Started'
and from_unixtime(time / 1000) between dau.date - interval '30' day and dau.date
) as mau
from dau
But I get an error 100071 saying that the given correlated subquery is not supported.
The problem is trying to use the date from the DAU query, if I comment the line
and from_unixtime(time / 1000) between dau.date - interval '30' day and dau.date
it will give the same MAU value for every day, but what I want is to know the value from that day minus 30 days
date dau mau
2020-12-01 10 234
2020-12-02 15 234
2020-12-03 20 234
Is there any other way to use the DAU date in that subquery or another way to get the MAU value?