I have a networkx graph G
that contains public transport stops stations data as nodes and the edges represent each routes of the public transport network. I have a script that returns a pair of points coordinates ([x_coord1, y_coord1]
and [x_coord2, y_coord2]
) a certain amount of time.
I wanted to be able to get the two closest stop stations on G
for this pair of points, and then compute the shortest path between them.
I did that and it is working really well but it is taking too much time. It takes about 600-850 ms for the whole function to run (see code underneath) which is too long (as I need to be doing that on loop for approximately 10 millions paths).
Bellow is the function I wrote knowing that:
- A is an array of lists of all the lon/lat values of every nodes of
in the format array([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], ...])
- coord_source in the format
[x_coord1, y_coord1]
is the first point of the pair returned by the previous script
- coord_targ in the format
[x_coord2, y_coord2]
is the second point of the pair returned by the previous script
def short_path(A, coord_source, coord_targ, G):
get1 = A[spatial.KDTree(A).query(coord_source)[1]] ###--- Gets the closest stop station to pt1 and %time of this line gives a walltime of 150 ms approximately
get2 = A[spatial.KDTree(A).query(coord_targ)[1]] ###--- same for this one but for pt2
for k in G.nodes().keys():
lon = G.nodes()[k]['stop_lon']
lat = G.nodes()[k]['stop_lat']
if (lon == get1[0]) & (lat == get1[1]):
source = k
if (lon == get2[0]) & (lat == get2[1]):
target = k
pcc = nx.shortest_path(G, source=source, target=target, weight='time') ###--- %time of this line gives a walltime of 200 ms
Is there a way to get my script to run faster? Also please do tell me if some parts are not clear enough and I'll do my best to explain them better.