I am trying to get all the labels to appear on every tick on the x-axis, but as you can see in the picture below they printed everyone tick.
Here is the R plotly code I have.
fig <- plot_ly(width = 1000 )
fig <- fig %>%
add_bars(data=filter(mbt, ANIMAL == 'CAT'),
x = ~as.Date(paste0("01-",TITLE),format = "%d-%b-%y"), y = ~count, type = 'bar', text = ~count,
textposition = 'auto', marker = list(color = 'rgb(113,88,143)'), name = "Cat", yaxis = "y2")
fig <- fig %>%
add_bars(data=filter(mbt, ANIMAL == 'DOG'),
x = ~as.Date(paste0("01-",TITLE),format = "%d-%b-%y"), y = ~count, type = 'bar', text = ~count,
textposition = 'auto',marker = list(color = 'rgb(65,152,175)'), name = "Dog",yaxis = "y2")
fig <- fig %>%
add_lines(data=filter(mbt, ANIMAL == 'CAT'),
x = ~as.Date(paste0("01-",TITLE),format = "%d-%b-%y"),y=~percentage, line = list(color = 'rgb(113,88,143)'),name = "P - Cats", yaxis ="y")
fig <- fig %>%
add_lines(data=filter(mbt, ANIMAL == 'DOG'),
x = ~as.Date(paste0("01-",TITLE),format = "%d-%b-%y"),y=~percentage, line = list(color = 'rgb(65,152,175)'),name = "P - Dogs", yaxis ="y")
fig <- fig %>%
add_lines(data=filter(mbt, ANIMAL == 'Total'),
x = ~as.Date(paste0("01-",TITLE),format = "%d-%b-%y"),y=~percentage, line = list(color = 'rgb(255,0,0)'), name = "Total", yaxis ="y")
fig <- fig %>%
x = ~as.Date(paste0("01-",TITLE),format = "%d-%b-%y"),y=~percent_target, name="Target",yaxis ="y",line = list(color = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'))
fig <- fig %>%
layout( barmode = 'stack',
yaxis2 = list(title ="", side = "right", tickprefix="<b>",ticksuffix = "</b>", range=c(0,24000),dtick = 2000, tickformat = "digits",showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE),
yaxis = list(title = "", tickformat= ".1f", tickprefix="<b>",ticksuffix = "%</b>", overlaying = "y2",side = 'left',range = c(97,100.01)),
xaxis = list(title = "", tickmode = "array", tickvals = ~as.Date(paste0("01-",TITLE),format = "%d-%b-%y"), tickformat = "%b-%y",tickfont = list(size = 10), tickprefix="<b>",ticksuffix = "</b>"),
legend = list(orientation = "h", xanchor="center", x = 0.5),
margin = list(l = 20, r = 50, b = 10, t = 100),
font=list(size=26))) %>%
config(displayModeBar = FALSE)
Any idea's on what I should try?
question from: