Not sure why this happens, but I'm trying to fix an issue with signed jars in a minecraft plugin, I added this fix and it errors out at
The pom code that is breaking is:
The error is:
Invalid content was found starting with element '{"":plugin}'. One of '{"":parent, "":prerequisites, "":issueManagement, "":ciManagement, "":inceptionYear, "":mailingLists, "":developers, "":contributors, "":profiles, "":modules, "":pluginRepositories, "":reports, "":dependencyManagement, "":distributionManagement}' is expected
Does anyone know what I can do? I'm not good at coding, by the way
As requested by someone, here's the full pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns:xsi="" xmlns=""
<>MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm</>
<description>Server modification for the TotalFreedom server</description>
<name>TotalFreedom General License</name>
<connection>scm:git:[email protected]:TFPatches/TotalFreedomMod.git</connection>
<developerConnection>scm:git:[email protected]:TFPatches/TotalFreedomMod.git</developerConnection>
<url>[email protected]:TFPatches/TotalFreedomMod.git</url>