I'm currently facing some problem I'm using in my react native app https://github.com/goatandsheep/react-native-dotenv for handling .env.
Error => Cannot find module '@env' from 'src/api/api.ts'
I'm testing currently my redux saga to call the api endpoint:
import axios from 'axios';
import {API_URL} from '@env';
export default axios.create({
responseType: 'json',
API Endpoint
export const sendCheckNumber = async (
phoneNumber: string,
): Promise<AuthenticationTO> => {
const response = await axios.get<AuthenticationTO>(
return response.data;
I'm using ts-jest package.json. I saw in the docs its possible to include bable in ts-jest because I'm using bable to import the 'module:react-native-dotenv', as plugin. I thought that will already solve my problem but unfortunately it still fails. Maybe someone of you have some suggestion what could cause this error.
Thank you!!!
"jest": {
"preset": "react-native",
"transform": {
"^.+\.js$": "<rootDir>/node_modules/react-native/jest/preprocessor.js",
"\.(ts|tsx)$": "ts-jest"
"globals": {
"ts-jest": {
"babelConfig": "babel.config.js",
"tsConfig": "tsconfig.jest.json"
"moduleFileExtensions": [
"modulePaths": [
"testRegex": "(/__tests__/.*|\.(test|spec))\.(ts|tsx|js)$"