kafka: authorization: superUsers: - CN=kafka-connect type: simple listeners: external: authentication: type: tls tls: true type: loadbalancer
spec: authentication: type: tls
With the above configurations, kafka starts in TLS mode, Kafka connect comes up! But as soon as I create the Kafka connector, the connector fails trying to talk to Kafka and the logs of the kafka pods has the following SSL Handshake failed error:
2021-01-12 15:03:24,891 INFO [SocketServer brokerId=0] Failed authentication with / (SSL handshake failed) ( [data-plane-kafka-network-thread-0-ListenerName(EXTERNAL-9094)-SSL-4]
TLS is working perfectly from a Golang process using the same certs and keys (same user cert).
Do we need to specify SSL configurations for the Connector as well like mentioned here If yes, why do we need to specify both in Kafka connect and connector. I expected the connector to be plugins running inside a single process that is Kafka connect.
Thanks for the help.
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