I am currentyl making a chatbot for a school project that solves problem around my school.
But I havo no idea how to do this part of the code.(但是我不知道如何执行这部分代码。)
Basically what I want to do is 'copy' a value of the users input that is equal to a value in my array to another channel.(基本上,我想做的是将用户输入的值“复制”到另一个通道中,该值等于我数组中的值。)
My array looks like this:(我的数组如下所示:)
var classroom= [
L108: ["classroom 108","L108","108", "classroom L108"]
L208: ["classroom 208","L208","208","classroom L208"]
So lets say that I have the sentence:
I have a problem in classroom L108
Out of this sentence I want the value 'classroom L108' to be copied to another channel.
(在这句话中,我希望将值“ classroom L108”复制到另一个通道。)
function classroom(message) {
const params = {
icon_emoji: ':smiley:'
textchannel = probleemoplosser + ", a teacher has a problem with the " + probleem + " in ",classroom, params;
reactie = "Top, ik heb het doorgegeven aan " + naam;
bot.postMessageToChannel( channel,textchannel,params);
bot.postMessageToChannel('general',reactie, params);
I hope I explained it well... :) thanks in advance!
(我希望我解释得很好... :)预先感谢!)
ask by Martijn_- translate from so