I have tried many formulas but i am still not able to get what i want.
I need help to write a vba code for it.(我需要帮助为其编写VBA代码。)
The problem is that I have to match two data sets and return the value of the next cell.(问题是我必须匹配两个数据集并返回下一个单元格的值。)
I want the sheet to pick a value from first cell of first row from a sheet and match it to entire cells of a row from other sheet (in the same workbook) and the paste the value which was being matched, infront of the cell which matches it.(我希望工作表从工作表的第一行的第一个单元格中选择一个值,并将其与其他工作表(在同一工作簿中)的行的整个单元格进行匹配,然后将要匹配的值粘贴到该单元格的前面匹配它。)
Now the problem is that my data sets are not equal so i can not use vlookup , i want to match and how much percentage it is matching.(现在的问题是我的数据集不相等,所以我不能使用vlookup ,我想匹配以及匹配的百分比。)
So highest percentage should be considered as a match.(因此,应将最高百分比视为匹配项。)
ask by Abhijeet Singh translate from so