Using this Ajax code, I pull image files and randomly add them to a div of several pages works locally on my system.
var folder = "Views/assets/images";
url: folder,
success: function (data) {
var patt1 = /"([^"]*.(jpe?g|png|gif))"/gi; // extract "*.jpeg" or "*.jpg" or "*.png" or "*.gif"
var result = data.match(patt1);
result = (el) {
return el.replace(/"/g, "");
}); // remove double quotes (") surrounding filename+extension // TODO: do this at regex!
var uniqueNames = []; // this array will help to remove duplicate images
$.each(result, function (i, el) {
var el_url_encoded = encodeURIComponent(el); // avoid images with same name but converted to URL encoded
// console.log("under analysis: " + el);
if ($.inArray(el, uniqueNames) === -1 && $.inArray(el_url_encoded, uniqueNames) === -1) {
// console.log("adding " + el_url_encoded);
$("#slider").append("<img src='" + el_url_encoded + "' alt=''>"); // finaly add to HTML
// else{ console.log(el_url_encoded + " already in!"); }
$(".grid li").each((i, li) => {
let bg = folder + uniqueNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * uniqueNames.length) + 1];
$(li).css('background-image', 'url(' + bg + ')');
setInterval(() => {
let bg = folder + uniqueNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * uniqueNames.length) + 1];
$(li).css('background-image', 'url(' + bg + ')');
}, 20000);
error: function (xhr, textStatus, err) {
alert('Error: here we go...');
alert("readyState: " + xhr.readyState + "
xhrStatus: " + xhr.status);
alert("responseText: " + xhr.responseText);
i noticed the browser url link appears as file:///C:/Users/, but it started to fumble once i migrated it to a localhost:5000 and consequently when i push it to the Heroku dyno.
(我注意到浏览器的URL链接显示为file:/// C:/ Users /,但是一旦我将其迁移到localhost:5000并因此将其推送到Heroku dyno时,它就会开始崩溃。)
I am thinking there is a security of some sort that wouldnt let me into the sub-directories/directories.(我认为存在某种安全机制,不会让我进入子目录/目录。)
Thanks in advance(提前致谢)
ask by TREX_SON translate from so