I have a web scraper coded for me using scrapy.
I wish to add an extra field from the website the scraper is scraping from.
The column header "Description" is created in the CSV database but nothing is scraped.
Below is the code (I have tried to DIY but nothing)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import scrapy
from pydispatch import dispatcher
from scrapy.signalmanager import SignalManager
import csv,re
from scrapy import signals
class Rapid7(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'vulns'
allowed_domains = ['rapid7.com']
main_url = 'https://www.rapid7.com/db/?q=&type=nexpose&page={}'
#start_urls = ['https://www.rapid7.com/db/vulnerabilities']
keys = ['Published','CVEID', 'Added', 'Modified', 'Related', 'Severity', 'CVSS', 'Created', 'Solution', 'References', 'Description', 'URL']
def __init__(self):
SignalManager(dispatcher.Any).connect(receiver=self._close, signal=signals.spider_closed)
def start_requests(self):
for i in range(1,10):
url = self.main_url.format(i)
yield scrapy.Request(url,callback=self.parse)
def parse(self, response):
flag = True
temp = response.xpath('//div[@class="vulndb__intro-content"]/p/text()').extract_first()
if temp:
if temp.strip()=='An error occurred.':
flag= False
temp = [i for i in response.xpath('//*[@class="results-info"]/parent::div/p/text()').extract()if i.strip()]
if len(temp)==1:
flag= False
if flag:
for article in response.xpath('//*[@class="vulndb__results"]/a/@href').extract():
yield scrapy.Request(response.urljoin(article), callback=self.parse_article, dont_filter=True)
def parse_article(self,response):
item['Published'] = item['Added'] = item['Modified'] = item['Related'] = item['Severity'] = item['Description'] =''
r=response.xpath('//h1[text()="Related Vulnerabilities"]/..//a/@href').extract()
temp = response.xpath('//meta[@property="og:title"]/@content').extract_first()
item['CVEID'] = ''
temp2 = re.search('(CVE-.*-d*)',temp).groups()[0]
if ":" in temp2:
raise KeyError
temp2 = re.search('(CVE-.*):',temp).groups()[0]
temp2 = ''
if temp2:
item['CVEID'] = temp2.replace(': Important',"").replace(')','')
table = response.xpath('//section[@class="tableblock"]/div')
for row in table:
header = row.xpath('header/text()').extract_first()
data = row.xpath('div/text()').extract_first()
temp = [i for i in response.xpath('//div[@class="vulndb__related-content"]//text()').extract() if i.strip()]
for ind,i in enumerate(temp):
if "CVE" in i:
temp[ind] = i.replace(' ','')
item['Related']= ", ".join(temp) if temp else ""
temp2= [i for i in response.xpath('//h4[text()="Solution(s)"]/parent::*/ul/li/text()').extract() if i.strip()]
item['Solution'] =", ".join(temp2) if temp2 else ''
temp3 = [i for i in response.xpath('//h4[text()="References"]/parent::*/ul/li/text()').extract() if i.strip()]
item['References'] = ", ".join(temp3) if temp3 else ''
temp4 = [i for i in response.xpath('//h4[text()="Description"]/parent::*/ul/li/text()').extract() if i.strip()]
item['Description'] = ", ".join(temp4) if temp4 else ''
item['URL'] = response.request.url
for key in self.keys:
if key not in list(item.keys()):
new_item[key] = ''
yield new_item
def _close(self):
print("Done Scraping")
STACKOVERFLOW wanted me to add extra text so here it is please ignore.
STACKOVERFLOW wanted me to add extra text so here it is please ignore.
STACKOVERFLOW wanted me to add extra text so here it is please ignore.
STACKOVERFLOW wanted me to add extra text so here it is please ignore.
STACKOVERFLOW wanted me to add extra text so here it is please ignore.
STACKOVERFLOW wanted me to add extra text so here it is please ignore.
STACKOVERFLOW wanted me to add extra text so here it is please ignore.
STACKOVERFLOW wanted me to add extra text so here it is please ignore.
STACKOVERFLOW wanted me to add extra text so here it is please ignore.
STACKOVERFLOW wanted me to add extra text so here it is please ignore.
STACKOVERFLOW wanted me to add extra text so here it is please ignore.
STACKOVERFLOW wanted me to add extra text so here it is please ignore.
ask by Davey Boy translate from so