These past month+ I learned many things by making a game in Unity.I have a lot of fun doing so. But some thing are still confusing me. I'm trying to setup a skill to the character and it goes almost well. When the character is casting the skill, the skill goes behind the character and not in front. So i thought to play with positions and rotations to make it work but still nothing. Worth to mention that the prefab has it's own motion. So my code so far is this. So help would be great and some teaching about the logic behind the skills system would be much appreciated. So take a look:
using UnityEngine;
public class MagicSkill : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject hand; // Players right hand
public GameObject fireballPrefab; // Fireball particle
Vector3 fireballPos; // Adding the transform.position from the players hand
Quaternion fireballRot; // Adding the rotation of the players hand
private bool isPressed = false; //Skill button (mobile)
public Animator animator; // Casting spell animation
void Update()
fireballPos = hand.transform.position; // Getting the position of the hand for Instatiating
fireballRot.x = hand.transform.rotation.x; // Getting the rotation of the hand for x Axis
fireballRot.y = hand.transform.rotation.y; // Getting the rotation of the hand for y Axis (Here i try to modify the values but still nothing)
fireballRot.z = hand.transform.rotation.z; // Getting the rotation of the hand for z Axis
if (isPressed == true)
animator.SetBool("Magic", true);
if (hand.transform.position.y >= 20) // Here I got the exact position of the hand for when to
Instatiate the skill
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) // For some reason it instatiates too many prefabs (I think it's because it's in Update method)
Instantiate(fireballPrefab, fireballPos, Quaternion.Euler(fireballRot.x, fireballRot.y, fireballRot.z));
Invoke("Update", 2.0f); // I'm trying to slow down the pressed button so that it want spawn every frame
animator.SetBool("Magic", false);
public void MagicSkills()
if (isPressed == false)
isPressed = true;
isPressed = false;