really new to everything related to coding.
I have a project in uni where we need to create a website in wix for a store. I intended to have a menu with green buttons and for the button color to change when clicked (e.g: going from page a to page b, you'll click on page b and when this happens, the button should change to blue).
After several hours on research I have a video which was demonstrating the functionality for a box, I thought I would apply the same to a button but no luck (nothing changes at my end). Any ideas would be highly appreciated. Thanks a lot!
$w.onReady(function () {
export function ShoesPageButton_click(event){
if($w("#ShoesPageButton").style.backgroundColor==="rbga(53, 91, 53, 1)"){
$w("#ShoesPageButton").style.backgroundColor="rgba(127, 204, 247, 1)"
$w("#ShoesPageButton").style.backgroundColor="rgba(53, 91, 53, 1)"