I have created a static site using Gatsby and setup a storage bucket on Google Cloud to host the files. The site is accessible via a custom domain name that is linked through Cloudflare. When I try to view the site, my Webpack runtime JS file can't be found (404) - but all of the other network requests are successful. I'm really not sure where to turn with this... I've verified that the file exists on Google Cloud and that I can access it using a direct URL. I've checked that the path in the request right as well as clearing my browser cache, re-uploading the files to Google Cloud, etc. The only lead I have found is this related question:
webpack-runtime js files getting a 404
I did at one point enable Gatsby offline mode, but I have since removed it from my Gatsby config, uninstalled it via NPM, installed gatsby-plugin-remove-serviceworker and added it to my Gatsby config as suggested.