The format 1I1
instructs Fortran to read a single integer from the record/line and then proceed to the next record/line (I mean if that's all that the format contains). If you want to read, e.g., 10 single-digit integers on a single line, then use the format 10I1
Fortran 2008 adds "unlimited format item" so that you don't have to know the number of items when you write the format: *(i1)
Code example of both methods:
program tst
integer :: array1 (10), array2 (10)
open (unit=20, file="digits.txt", access="sequential", form="formatted")
read (20, '(10i1)' ) array1
write (*, *) array1
rewind (20)
read (20, '( *(i1) )' ) array2
write (*, *) array2
end program tst