There is a solution based on an external Tasksuite called Ant Flaka.
With Ant Flaka you get access to the underlying fileobjects and their properties (name,mtime,size..) from your fileset. no need to open an external process via apply/cmd
<project name="demo" xmlns:fl="antlib:it.haefelinger.flaka">
<fl:install-property-handler />
<!-- as fileset has no absolute pathnames we need
path combined with pathconvert -->
<path id="foobar">
<fileset dir="/home/gilreb/Downloads">
<include name="*.zip"/>
<pathconvert property="zipfiles" refid="foobar"/>
<!-- iterate over the listentries, get access to
the underlying fileobject and echo its properties -->
<fl:for var="f" in="split('${zipfiles}', ':')">
#{ format('filename %s, last modified %tD, size %s bytes', f.tofile.toabs,f.tofile.mtime,f.tofile.size) }
output =
[echo] filename /some/path/, last modified 03/16/11, size 10920710 bytes
[echo] filename /some/path/, last modified 03/16/11, size 8803388 bytes
[echo] filename /some/path/, last modified 04/17/11, size 70477 bytes