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in Technique[技术] by (71.8m points)

angular - Ionic slides - dynamically add slides before and after

Hi I'm using ngFor to create an set of 3 slides while starting in the middle so I'm guaranteed to be able to slide to left or right on start.

When I slide right I can simple listen to the reachedEnd and push another slide to the array i'm looping.

but I have a problem with adding a slide to the beginning. If I do the same as above and use e.g. array.unshift() or spread to add an item to the beginning, the view think it's on position 0 and snaps the view to the new slide.

The code below would work but it animates the slide change back to index 1.

slide = [0,1,2] //example to loop
slideChanged(event) {
        this.slide = [this.slide[0]-1, ...this.slide];

<ion-slides [initialSlide]="1" (ionSlideDidChange)="slideChanged($event)">
    <ion-slide *ngFor="let item of slide">
        <h1>Slide {{item}}</h1>

Any help is appreciated!

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1 Answer

0 votes
by (71.8m points)

You can do that by using the ionSlideNextEnd and ionSlidePrevEnd events from the Slides. Please take a look at this working plunker

The view

    <ion-title>Dynamic slides Demo</ion-title>
    <ion-slides #slider (ionSlideNextEnd)="loadNext()" (ionSlidePrevEnd)="loadPrev()" [initialSlide]="1">
        <ion-slide *ngFor="let n of numbers">
            <h2>Current slide: {{n}}</h2>

The component

export class HomePage {
    @ViewChild('slider') private slider: Slides;

    numbers = [0,1,2];
    firstLoad = true;

    constructor() {}

    loadPrev() {
        let newIndex = this.slider.getActiveIndex();

        this.numbers.unshift(this.numbers[0] - 1);

        // Workaround to make it work: breaks the animation
        this.slider.slideTo(newIndex, 0, false);

        console.log(`New status: ${this.numbers}`);

    loadNext() {
        if(this.firstLoad) {
          // Since the initial slide is 1, prevent the first 
          // movement to modify the slides
          this.firstLoad = false;

        let newIndex = this.slider.getActiveIndex();

        this.numbers.push(this.numbers[this.numbers.length - 1] + 1);

        // Workaround to make it work: breaks the animation
        this.slider.slideTo(newIndex, 0, false);

        console.log(`New status: ${this.numbers}`);

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