Answering own question. I wrote the following class achieve the results I need; give it a spin.
public class TypeName
public string Name;
public bool IsGeneric;
public List<ArrayDimension> ArrayDimensions;
public List<TypeName> TypeArguments;
public class ArrayDimension
public int Dimensions;
public ArrayDimension()
Dimensions = 1;
public override string ToString()
return "[" + new String(',', Dimensions - 1) + "]";
public TypeName()
Name = null;
IsGeneric = false;
ArrayDimensions = new List<ArrayDimension>();
TypeArguments = new List<TypeName>();
public static string MatchStructure( TypeName toMatch, TypeName toType )
return null;
public override string ToString()
string str = Name;
if (IsGeneric)
str += "<" + string.Join( ",", TypeArguments.Select<TypeName,string>( tn => tn.ToString() ) ) + ">";
foreach (ArrayDimension d in ArrayDimensions)
str += d.ToString();
return str;
public string FormatForDisplay( int indent = 0 )
var spacing = new string(' ', indent );
string str = spacing + "Name: " + Name + "
" +
spacing + "IsGeneric: " + IsGeneric + "
" +
spacing + "ArraySpec: " + string.Join( "", ArrayDimensions.Select<ArrayDimension,string>( d => d.ToString() ) ) + "
if (IsGeneric)
str += spacing + "GenericParameters: {
" + string.Join( spacing + "},{
", TypeArguments.Select<TypeName,string>( t => t.FormatForDisplay( indent + 4 ) ) ) + spacing + "}
return str;
public static TypeName Parse( string name )
int pos = 0;
bool dummy;
return ParseInternal( name, ref pos, out dummy );
private static TypeName ParseInternal( string name, ref int pos, out bool listTerminated )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
TypeName tn = new TypeName();
listTerminated = true;
while (pos < name.Length)
char c = name[pos++];
switch (c)
case ',':
if (tn.Name == null)
tn.Name = sb.ToString();
listTerminated = false;
return tn;
case '>':
if (tn.Name == null)
tn.Name = sb.ToString();
listTerminated = true;
return tn;
case '<':
tn.Name = sb.ToString();
tn.IsGeneric = true;
sb.Length = 0;
bool terminated = false;
while (!terminated)
tn.TypeArguments.Add( ParseInternal( name, ref pos, out terminated ) );
var t = name[pos-1];
if (t == '>')
throw new Exception( "Missing closing > of generic type list." );
case '[':
ArrayDimension d = new ArrayDimension();
tn.ArrayDimensions.Add( d );
analyzeArrayDimension: //label for looping over multidimensional arrays
if (pos < name.Length)
char nextChar = name[pos++];
switch (nextChar)
case ']':
continue; //array specifier terminated
case ',': //multidimensional array
goto analyzeArrayDimension;
throw new Exception( @"Expecting ""]"" or "","" after ""["" for array specifier but encountered """ + nextChar + @"""." );
throw new Exception( "Expecting ] or , after [ for array type, but reached end of string." );
if (tn.Name == null)
tn.Name = sb.ToString();
return tn;
If I run the following:
Console.WriteLine( TypeName.Parse( "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Vector<T>,int<long[]>[],bool>" ).ToString() );
It correctly produces the following output, representing the TypeName as a string:
Name: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary
IsGeneric: True
GenericParameters: {
Name: Vector
IsGeneric: True
GenericParameters: {
Name: T
IsGeneric: False
Name: int
IsGeneric: True
ArraySpec: []
GenericParameters: {
Name: long
IsGeneric: False
ArraySpec: []
Name: bool
IsGeneric: False