We can select multiple images using the flutter plugin : https://pub.dev/packages/multi_image_picker
We can then use firebase - cloud storage to upload these pics and save the url in firestore db for easy access and display. I have done this part successfully. I also know how to delete a single image but have following Question:
If I have selected 5 images, how do we allow the user to delete these images. Following scenarios are troubling me
- delete only 3 images out of 5
- delete all the 5 images and save
- delete all the 3 images and select new 3 images and save
- there are two text fields in that screen which can also be edited. Ideally we should not touch the images to save these changes. But How do we know this?
I do not want to delete all the images and save it again every time the user makes a change in that screen
how would u go about doing this?