I am trying to loop through plots. Each "station" is a pandas dataframe has a single water year of data (oct 1 to Spet 29). The data is being read in with this code:
sh_784_2020 = pd.read_csv("sh_784_WY2020.csv", parse_dates=['Date'])
sh_784_2020.columns = ["Index", "Date", "Temp_C","Precip_mm","SnowDepth_cm","SWE_mm","SM2","SM8","SM20"]
My plots loop through but the x-axis always starts at the year 2000 through the current date displayed but my data is from 2006-2020. Is there a way to have the xlim adjust automatically for the date range in the data frame? Or is there a way to create this plot in matyplotlib and not seaborn?
for station in stations:
station['Density'] = station['SWE_mm']/(station['SnowDepth_cm']*10)*100
station['Density range'] = pd.cut( station['Density'], [-np.inf, 25, 30, 35, 40, np.inf])
Date = station.loc[:, 'Date'].values
SWE_mm = station.loc[:, 'SWE_mm'].values
Density = station.loc[:, 'Density'].values
sns.scatterplot(station['Date'], station['SWE_mm'], hue='Density range', data= station, edgecolor = 'none', palette=['grey', 'green', 'gold', 'orange', 'crimson'], alpha= 1)
plt.xlim ()
Plot example 1
Plot example 2