You have basically two options to make it work:
- Have dedicated thread per accepted socket. This is because the 'regular' socket I/O is blocking. You can not selectively handle multiple sockets using a single thread. And as there is no 'peeking' functionality, you will always take a risk of getting blocked when you invoke
. By having a thread per each socket you are interested in reading, blocking reads will not block any other operations (threads).
- Use NIO. NIO allows for asynchronous I/O operations, and basically exactly what you asked for - a Selector.
If you do decide to go NIO-way, I would recommend checking out MINA and Netty. I've found them much easier to work with than plain NIO. Not only will you get a nicer API to work with, but at least MINA had workarounds for some nasty NIO bugs, too.