Thanks for your quick answer trashgod. You're right, I meant fireTableRowsUpdated ()
but I made a mistake when I wrote the code, sorry. The point is that fireTableRowsUpdated (rowIndex, rowIndex)
and fireTableCellUpdated (rowIndex, columnIndex)
both fail to sort the column correctly. In the real program most of the table rows do change from one iteration to the next so calling fireTableDataChanged ()
makes perfect sense. But I didn't want to use it because if I select one or more rows to send a signal to the processes or whatever the selection is lost on every update. I have explored this way and found two forms of preserving the selection but it's a bit annoying and one of them breaks the selection with the keyboard. I show the necessary additions to the original code next.
The first form saves the selection before modifying the model and restores it after every update:
private class Worker extends SwingWorker <Void, Pair>
private int [] selectedRows;
protected Void doInBackground ()
while (!isCancelled ())
// Save the selection before modifying the model
int x = table.getSelectedRowCount ();
if (x > 0)
selectedRows = new int [x];
int [] tableSelection = table.getSelectedRows ();
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
selectedRows [i] = table.convertRowIndexToModel (tableSelection [i]);
Random r = new Random ();
for (int i = 0; i < table.getRowCount (); i++)
int indice = getIndexInRange (0, table.getRowCount () - 1);
Pair p = new Pair ();
p.index = indice;
p.value = Math.abs (r.nextInt ());
publish (p);
// If I put the code to restore the selection here, it doesn't work...
Thread.sleep (1000);
catch (InterruptedException ie)
ie.printStackTrace ();
return null;
public void process (List <Pair> items)
for (Pair p : items)
model.setValueAt (p.value, p.index, 1);
// Restore the selection on every update
if (selectedRows != null && selectedRows.length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < selectedRows.length; i++)
table.addRowSelectionInterval (table.convertRowIndexToView (selectedRows [i]), table.convertRowIndexToView (selectedRows [i]));
The second form uses a ListSelectionListener
, a KeyListener
, and a flag. Selection with the keyboard doesn't work. To be honest, I don't know how did I come to get this solution. It probably was by chance:
public class TableSortTestSolucionConSelectionListener extends JFrame implements KeyListener
private boolean ctrlOrShiftDown = false;
private int [] selectedRows;
public void keyPressed (KeyEvent e)
ctrlOrShiftDown = e.isControlDown () || e.isShiftDown ();
public void keyReleased (KeyEvent e)
ctrlOrShiftDown = e.isControlDown () || e.isShiftDown ();
public void keyTyped (KeyEvent e)
ctrlOrShiftDown = e.isControlDown () || e.isShiftDown ();
public TableSortTestSolucionConSelectionListener ()
ListSelectionListener lsl = new ListSelectionListener ()
public void valueChanged (ListSelectionEvent e)
if (!e.getValueIsAdjusting ())
if (!ctrlOrShiftDown)
int x = table.getSelectedRowCount ();
if (x > 0)
selectedRows = new int [x];
int [] tableSelection = table.getSelectedRows ();
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
selectedRows [i] = table.convertRowIndexToModel (tableSelection [i]);
// Disable the listener to avoid infinite recursion
table.getSelectionModel ().removeListSelectionListener (this);
if (selectedRows != null && selectedRows.length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < selectedRows.length; i++)
table.addRowSelectionInterval (table.convertRowIndexToView (selectedRows [i]), table.convertRowIndexToView (selectedRows [i]));
table.getSelectionModel ().addListSelectionListener (this);
table.getSelectionModel ().addListSelectionListener (lsl);
Fortunately today I have found a simple way to get the column sorted correctly and keep the current selection. You only have to add the following to your code:
TableRowSorter trs = (TableRowSorter) table.getRowSorter ();
trs.setSortsOnUpdates (true);
With this both fireTableCellUpdated ()
and fireTableRowsUpdated ()
work as I expected. To my understanding, setAutoCreateRowSorter ()
is only used to sort the rows when you click on the table header.