I have this script createmap.sh
in the public/scripts
folder. I need to run it on master deployment
the code in yaml file is
name: create-map
on: push
run: .public/script.sh
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
shell: bash
it is a simple script that is supposed to create a sitemap and ping google
# yarn sitemap
$ cd public
$ rm -rf sitemap
$ mkdir sitemap
$ cd ..
$ cd scripts
$ node ./sitemap-posts.js
$ node ./compress-map.js
$ node ./create-one-map.js
$ curl http://google.com/ping?sitemap=https://website.com/sitemap.xml
My folder structure is rootdirectory/scripts
and rootdirectory/public
When I deploy the scripts are not run and I don't know where the problem is