I'm having trouble replacing values in a column of a R dataframe based upon conditions related to other data variables.
I've created a new dataframe called VAED1 based on the left join between the original data frame VAED (has over 20 variables) and another dataframe called new_map (has only 3 variables and one is called Category)
Here is the code i wrote that works fine:
#join the left side table (VAED) with the right side table (new_map) with the left join function
VAED1 <- VAED %>%
left_join(new_map, by = c("ID1" = "ID2"), suffix= c("_VAED", "_MAP"))***
I then added a three extra columns (nnate, NICU, enone) to the dataframe VAED1 using mutate function to create a new dataframe VAED2:
VAED2 <- VAED1 %>%
mutate(nnate = if_else((substr(W25VIC,1,1) == "P") & (CARE != "U") & (AGE < 1) , "Y", "N"))%>%
mutate(NICU = if_else((nnate == "Y") & (ICUH > 0), "Y", "N"))%>%
mutate(enone = if_else((EMNL == "E") , "Emerg", "Non-emerg")%>%***
Everything works fine to this point.
Finally I wanted to replace the values in one column called Category (this was a character variable in the original joined dataset new_map) based upon certain conditions of other variables in the dataframe. So only change values in the Category column when W25VIC and CARE variables equal certain values. Otherwise leave the original value,)
Use the code:
Category <- if_else((W25VIC == "R03A") & (SAMEDAY == "Y"), "08 Other multiday", Category)
This always shows an error - object 'W25VIC' and 'SAMEDAY' not found. It seems straightforward but the last line of code doesn't work no matter what i do. I check the dataframe using a Head command to make sure the data columns are there during each step. They exist but the code doesn't seem to recognise them.
Grateful for any ideas on what I am doing wrong.
Also used the command
Category[(W25VIC == "R03A") & (SAMEDAY == "Y")] <- "08 Other multiday"
Still same error message.