I am developing a paint like application in metro style with C#/XAML. I want to save whatever content is drawn on canvas as image. I have checked this solutions but it didn't helped me.
Save canvas to bitmap http://blogs.msdn.com/b/saveenr/archive/2008/09/18/wpf-xaml-saving-a-window-or-canvas-as-a-png-bitmap.aspx
So how can I save the canvas content as image ? Please help me with sample coding.
The accepted answer from Sascha is no longer true for Windows 8.1. There is a new RenderTargetBitmap class that allows Rendered XAML to be converted to a bitmap.
See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/windows.ui.xaml.media.imaging.rendertargetbitmap.aspx
However I can't seem to render that XAML is Collapsed or otherwise not currently on screen. Any help with that would be appreciated!
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