You'll need to post part or all of your explosions.json object for a concrete answer. However, something like this will filter a JSON if it's structured like {explosion1:{data1:true, data2:true}, explosion2:{data1:true, data2:false}}
function filterJSON(json, key, value) {
var result = {};
for (var explosionIndex in json) {
if (json[explosionIndex][key] === value) {
result[explosionIndex] = json[explosionIndex];
return result;
(e.g. filterJSON(myjson, "data1", true)
will give all explosions with data1:true)
This is not specific to d3.
Then you could use something like this for the d3-side of things:; // remove ones you don't want
explosions.enter().append("path")... // add back ones you do want
If I understand your application, it would actually be better to just toggle the visiblity
attribute of the SVG elements.
var sliderrange = [20040101, 20040201]; //replace with code based on your slider
explosions.selectAll(".explosionpoint").attr("visibility", function(d) {
//Replace with the correct date comparison logic
return < sliderrange[1] && > sliderrange[0] ? "visible" : "hidden";