You don't need to use the index once you have the dictionary:
for video in video_Ids:
if video["kind"] == "youtube#video":
del video["kind"]
elif video["kind"] == "youtube#playlist":
del video["kind"]
elif video["kind"] == "youtube#channel":
del video["kind"]
To extract the second key, you need to iterate on each dictionary. For example:
from itertools import islice
secondKeys = [ {k:v} for d in video_Ids for k,v in islice(d.items(),1,2)]
# or without itertools ...
secondKeys = [ {k:v} for d in video_Ids for _,(k,v),*_ in [d.items()]]
[{'playlistId': 'PLt1O6njsCRR-D_1jUAhJrrDZyYL6OZSGa'},
{'playlistId': 'PLt1O6njsCRR_8oi7E6qnPWGQbn8NoQ6sG'},
{'channelId': 'UC4i5R6-IW05iiU8Vu__vppA'},
{'videoId': 'XquM0L2WUio'},
{'videoId': '05yrGVZ96b4'}]
or, if you only want the keys and not the corresponding values:
from itertools import islice
secondKeys = [ k for d in video_Ids for k in islice(d,1,2)]
# or without itertools ...
secondKeys = [ k for d in video_Ids for _,k,*_ in [d]]
['playlistId', 'playlistId', 'channelId', 'videoId', 'videoId']