There is an issue already filed about this at the OpenJFX docs.
While it hasn't been resolved yet, there is a possible workaround, based on:
NetBeans only adds javadoc/source jars for a jar with the exact same name and -javadoc/-source suffix
So here are the steps to solve it:
Install NetBeans 10 and JDK 11.0.2.
Clone the HelloFX sample for NetBeans and Maven, from the OpenJFX samples.
Update the JavaFX dependencies to 11.0.2.
Run it:
mvn clean compile exec:java
Check that the JavaFX dependencies have been downloaded to your local m2
repository. Under <user home>/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/javafx-base/11.0.2
for instance you will find javafx-base-11.0.2.jar
and javafx-base-mac-11.0.2.jar
(or win
, or linux
based on your platform).
Back on NetBeans, right click in the Dependencies folder and select Download Sources
(see the task progress in the bottom right taskbar), and then Download Javadoc
(see the task progress).
- Go to your
repository and verify that there are now -source
and -javadoc
jar files.
However, this won't solve the issue yet, there is an extra step:
- In your
repository, manually rename the -source
and -javadoc
jar files using your platform classifier, to -mac-source
and -mac-javadoc
(or win
, or linux
based on your platform). Do this for the different JavaFX modules:
Back to NetBeans, check that now you have JavaDoc, or if you press Ctrl/CMD+Click you can access the source.
Note that this fix has to be done only once, the rest of your Maven projects should pick JavaDoc and Sources.