I don't think this fact (as stated by the type of fob
) is actually true. Due to the open world property of type classes, you can violate the fundep with module boundaries.
This is show by the following example. This code has only been tested with GHC 7.10.3 (fundeps were massively broken in older versions - don't know what happens then). Assume that you can indeed implement the following:
module A
(module A
,module Data.Type.Equality
,module Data.Proxy
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Proxy
class C a b | a -> b
inj_C :: (C a b, C a b') => Proxy a -> b :~: b'
inj_C = error "oops"
Then a few more modules:
module C where
import A
instance C () Int
testC :: C () b => Int :~: b
testC = inj_C (Proxy :: Proxy ())
module B where
import A
instance C () Bool
testB :: C () b => b :~: Bool
testB = inj_C (Proxy :: Proxy ())
module D where
import A
import B
import C
oops :: Int :~: Bool
oops = testB
oops_again :: Int :~: Bool
oops_again = testC
Int :~: Bool
is clearly not true, so by contradiction, inj_C
cannot exist.
I believe you can still safely write inj_C
with unsafeCoerce
if you don't export the class C
from the module where it's defined. I've used this technique, and have extensively tried, and not been able to write a contradiction. Not to say it's impossible, but at least very difficult and a rare edge case.