Impala SQL Insert Statement as a Variable in KNIME- Workflow seems to work OK, but inserts my String- Value by cutting of last characters.
If I put the same SQL manually using the SQL Editor (Hue), my String-value is added complete to my table.
My KNIME Variable $${SsqlStr}$$ =
" insert into mytable values (77,
'Email ** ICQ-Produkt ** Order ?nderung ** Zuhause-Lieferung',
125, 0.0573, 0, 2, 4, 2, 0, 3, 0, 0, '9999-33-33'); "
This Variable comes in the "Datbase SQL Row Executer" Node. This node works then without error. But the added String:
'Email ** ICQ-Produkt ** Order ?nderung ** Zuhause-Lieferung'
comes in my table without the last characters, like so:
'Email ** ICQ-Produkt ** Order ?nderung ** Zuhause-Liefer'
Thank you very much in advance for advices.