Here is a code I have been using on c#. I have Imported the dll to powershell and used it to retrieve different parts of a message. The dll I used is Imapx2 which is an open source. I understand that you don't want to use a third party .NET assemblies but this might help other people trying to reach to this content.
### Import the dll
### Create a client object
$client = New-Object ImapX.ImapClient
###set the fetching mode to retrieve the part of message you want to retrieve,
###the less the better
$client.Behavior.MessageFetchMode = "Full"
$client.Host = ""
$client.Port = 993
$client.UseSsl = $true
$user = "User"
$password = "Password"
$messages = $client.Folders.Inbox.Search("ALL", $client.Behavior.MessageFetchMode, 1000)
foreach($m in $messages){
foreach($r in $m.Attachments){
$r | Out-File "Directory"
I hope this was helpful