To do this using pipes you nest the Pipe monad transformer within itself, once for each producer you wish to interact with. For example:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Pipe
producerA, producerB :: (Monad m) => Producer Int m ()
producerA = mapM_ yield [1,2,3]
producerB = mapM_ yield [4,5,6]
consumes2 :: (Show a, Show b) =>
Consumer a (Consumer b IO) r
consumes2 = forever $ do
a <- await -- await from outer producer
b <- lift await -- await from inner producer
lift $ lift $ print (a, b)
Just like a Haskell curried function of multiple variables, you partially apply it to each source using composition and runPipe:
consumes1 :: (Show b) => Consumer b IO ()
consumes1 = runPipe $ consumes2 <+< producerA
fullyApplied :: IO ()
fullyApplied = runPipe $ consumes1 <+< producerB
The above function outputs when run:
>>> fullyApplied
(1, 4)
(2, 5)
(3, 6)
This trick works for yielding or awaiting to any number of pipes upstream or downstream. It also works for proxies, the bidirectional analogs to pipes.
Edit: Note that this also works for any iteratee library, not just pipes
. In fact, John Milikin and Oleg were the original advocates for this approach and I just stole the idea from them.