I was able to get this to work.
Essentially we need to provide the UIColumn in the SortMeta object for it to work. For the initial sort at render time, I had to find the component in my bean and assign that to the sortMeta.
Below is my code in the view xhtml
<p:dataTable id="transDataTable" var="trans"
value="#{myBean.transModel}" paginator="true" rows="50"
paginatorAlwaysVisible="false" lazy="true"
sortMode="multiple" sortBy="#{myBean.preSortOrder}"
<p:column headerText="User" sortBy="#{trans.user.name}" >
<p:column headerText="Company" sortBy="#{trans.companyName}">
<p:column headerText="Join Date" id="joinDateTime"
sortBy="#{trans.joinDateTime}" >
<h:outputText value="#{trans.joinDateTime}" />
Here is my bean code called on @PostConstruct
* method to build initial sort order for multisort
private void buildSortOrder() {
UIViewRoot viewRoot = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot();
UIComponent column = viewRoot.findComponent("transDataTable:joinDateTime");
SortMeta sm1 = new SortMeta();
I am not sure this is the right way to do this, but it works. I am usually uncomfortable when we have to use the ids from view in the bean code, as that can introduce bugs when people are not careful.
Thanks @CagatayCivici for the quick hint.