Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited - Home
Cyberport is a creative digital community with a cluster of technology and digital content tenants. It is owned and managed by Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited which is wholly owned by the Hong Kong SAR Government.
http://www.cyberport.hk - 2019-04-26United Imaging Healthcare Official Website | Passion For Change
用心改变,Passion for Change
http://www.united-imaging.com - 2019-04-26Urban Development Scientific Publishing
Urban Development Scientific Publishing Pet. Ltd. (UDS Publishing) was founded in Singapore in 2017. With Branch Office located in Beijing, UDS publishing provides an international, pluralistic and globally viewpoint to focus on all related topics among urban construction and developing issues. At this moment, UDS Publishing operate six journals in urban construction category which acquired from Whioce (founded in 2014), Piscomed(founded in 2015) and Universal Publishing. (founded in 2011), including: Journal of Smart Cities, Journal of Sustainable Urbanization, Planning and Progress, Applied Environmental Biotechnology, World Construction, International Journal of Geography and Advances in Material Science.
http://www.udspub.com - 2019-04-26Roca Bathrooms | Roca
Roca Bathrooms. A reference point for design, technology and sustainable development. Catalog and online store bathrooms and toilets.
http://www.roca.com - 2019-04-26UVEK - Startseite
Das Eidgenössische Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation (UVEK) ist das Infrastruktur- und Umweltdepartement. Geleitet wird es seit November 2010 von Doris Leuthard.
https://www.uvek.admin.ch - 2019-04-26Page d'accueil du site web du DDPS
Le DDPS est constitué de sept unités administratives directement subordonnées au chef du DDPS : le groupement de la Défense et les six offices fédéraux que sont le Secrétariat général, le SRC, armasuisse, swisstopo, l’OFPP et l’OFSPO .
http://www.vbs.admin.ch - 2019-04-26Bundeskanzlei - Startseite
Die Aufgaben der Bundeskanzlei. Wie unterstützt sie den Bundesrat? Ihre Rolle bei den eidgenössischen Wahlen und Abstimmungen
http://www.bk.admin.ch - 2019-04-26